Registry First Aid is available for free evaluation from the locations below (Returning customers, see below for upgrade information)
If you have purchased Registry First Aid version 10 or older, scroll below to the Upgrade information and you can find out if you qualify for the FREE update
or the 40% off discount to purchase version 11.
System Requirements:
Windows 11, 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, 2003 and 2008
untested with Windows 11 24H2 - watch for updates this fall>
For Registry First Aid licensing information, see our EULA either in the software itself, or our online copy.
Version 11.X is a FREE upgrade for registered users of version 10.X that purchased after May 1, 2016. Just download from one of the links above and install right over your previous installation.
Then click here to have your new version 11.x code emailed to you.
Previous Registry First Aid users want to see if you qualify for a FREE or 40% off upgrade to v.11.x? If so click here.
(+) a feature is added
(*) a feature is improved/changed
(-) a bug is fixed
New in version 11.3.1 (04/04/22)
- bugfix: on a hi-DPI screen the program remembered incorrect width and height;
* on loading, the program now checks it's window coordinates to do not exceed screen top and left, width and height (summary of all monitors);
- bugfix: last compression date was not remembered;
+ Registry Search screen now contains scrolling and splitter to resize the options frame (needed if big fonts selected for the screens);
* some visual imnprovements;
New in version 11.1.1 (5/16/2018)
* DPI-awareness improved (for high resolution screens);
- bugfix: left "groups" panel did not remember it's width;
- bugfix: RFA Agent infinitely showed "an update is found";
- bugfix: "out of memory" error on 32-bit systems while downloading update;
- some minor bugfixes;
* some language files updated;
New in version 11.1.0 (1/30/2018)
+ new Group View: Available Corrections: items can be grouped by
correction type possible for each item.
Now it has six views: Category, Safety Level, Filter,
Selected Correction, Available Correction and, of course, plain view
"All in One List";
* improvements in finding best corrections for registry references
to moved files/folders;
+ online update for default excluded registry keys that are dangerous
to modify;
+ some more NVidia keys are excluded from registry scan;
+ new registry pop-up menu command: Copy selected entries to clipboard;
+ show a mark on the currently selected correction in the list of
available corrections.
* some images updated and new added for menus;
- bugfix: Full Backup: Warning message "There is not enough free space
on the drive." was incorrectly encoded.
- bugfix: error on deleting search or filter templates from the
Template Dialog;
- bugfix: sometimes the message "Some registry entries were not modified"
appeared after a fix while all registry entries were actually changed;
- Registry Manage: some bugfixes in Pop-up Menu Commands plugin;
* Registry Mananage: do not reload plugin entries after menu commands
that do not change registry, like "Jump to", "Open Folder" etc.;
- bugfix: if computer was not rebooted for a long time RFA agent may not
remember last registry scan date;
* updates in help file;
- minor bugfixes;
- some language files updated;
New in version 11.0.2 (5/14/2017)
+ help file updates;
- fix: sometimes registry scan&fix may make Cortana for Windows 10
not working by deleteing invalid paths from Microsoft Speech registry
- minor bugfixes;
New in version 11.0.1 (2/7/2017)
* if automatic Restore Point creation is failed then the
"System Protection" Control Panel applet is opened so user can check
if the system restore service is enabled; a manual restore point may
be created from there;
+ if a Restore Point creation is failed then a system reported error
message is shown in the "warning" message and in the status line;
* a default text editor assigned in the system for .reg files is used
to view .reg backup files, if it is not assigned then then notepad.exe
is used;
* many language files updated;
- bugfix: sometimes a "Range Check Error" may appear on failed creating
restore point;
- bugfix: system and full backup selected options were not remembered
if a scan was not started;
- bugfix: label "Creating restore point" was not removed from the main
window if restore point was failed or not needed;
- bugfix: the progress was incorrecly counted when registry scan was
started not using multiple threads;
- bugfix: progress-bar state was returned to incorrect status after
the Warning Dialog on reaching registry errors limit;
- some minor bugs fixed;
New in version 11.0.0 (12/1/2016)
* new interface, new icons;
* new splash and install pictures;
+ Manage Registry: new plugin: "Pop-up Menu Commands" that allows to
add/remove items in the right mouse click pop-up menu for "Desktop",
"My Computer", "Directory", "Drive", "Compressed Folder", Any file (*)
and any file types registered by it's extension;
+ new grouping added: by correction type; refresh on F5 if some
corrections were changed by user;
+ pop-up menu is added to the left-side groups listview; it allows to
make mass selections of entries in a group - in a category,
in a safety level, filtered group, etc.;
* the "Home" screen now shows numbers of found and corrected entries
in a recent session, not just in a last scan. Session may include
several cycles: scan->fix->back->scan->fix->back in one run of RFA;
* Office 365 keys are moved from high risk list to the default excluded list;
* Invalid Uninstall Records category: unknown keys and unknown non-empty
values are marked as of medium safety (risk) level;
* InvalidActiveX/COM References category: detect keys that do not have
any of required values and have no subkeys;
* Invalid File Associations category: detect invalid entries that may
prevent from running executable files such as .exe, .bat, .cmd;
* Invalid File Associations category: now more registry entries are scanned;
* Invalid Uninstall Records category: improved scanning that detects keys
without required values; unused subkeys; invalid value types;
* setup now will not ask for Start Menu group where to save shortcuts;
* on uninstall it now will not ask user if to delete backup folder: it will
just open backup folder in file explorer and suggest to review
files and delete them manually;
* always set selection checkbox for an entry if it's correction was
changed manually, regardless of risk level;
* Registry Restore from .reg Files: save and read dates of .reg backup
file creation/restore in digital format that is not depending on user
locale settings, old human-readable format for previously created
backups is still supported when reading files;
+ Registry Restore from .reg Files: search in .reg files now works in
"full tree" mode also;
+ Invalid ActiveXCOM category: wow6432 nodes are added:
\Software\Wow6432Node\Classes\CLSID\ and
\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\; that nodes may contain not only
just a copy of \Software\Classes\CLSID\;
+ a notification about finishing any long operation is shown at the taskbar
notification area if the application is not active;
- bugfix: selection checkbox was not set when user manually set the
same correction that was already selected (except "leave as is");
- bugfix: an error may appear in the Settings dialog on editing
an excluded registry key;
- bugfix: if the program was started with the "/autoscan" command line
parameter and from simple user account, then the "Restart as
Administrator" dialog will not appear;
- bugfix in Auto-Start Programs category: file references without path
and extension like "MsiExec /I{00010419-78E1-11D2-B60F-006097C998E7}"
may appear incorrectly found as invalid;
- a small bug fixed in checking correction results for entries -
sometimes some entries may be successfuly corrected but reported as
"failed to modify";
- bugfix: in representing file sizes a comma was used as thousands
separator, not user locale settings;
- bugfix: progress indicator was not shown at the program taskbar button;
- bugfix: on resize or after cancelling maximize window the treeview
controls may became invisible;
- bugfix: Registry Snapshots: access violation on reading snapshots
without comment (comment was left empty in the dialog);
- bugfix: the Settings dialog initial position was at the first system
screen, now the initial position is at the same monitor as the main
program window;
- bugfix: custom pop-up dialogs interrupted user's work with other
applications while the program is running at the background.
- some minor bugs fixed;