Support Information For Registry First Aid
We have some Tutorials to assist you in getting started with Registry First Aid. These are short movies that show you step by step what to do.
Note: If you elect to view the Tutorials on-line and get a bar at the top of your browser that looks like this:
Just click on it and allow the blocked content to be displayed.
Click Here to view a demo tutor that takes you through an overview of Registry First Aid.
Click Here to view a demo tutor that takes you through how to enter the registration code after purchasing and receiving the code in email.
Click Here to view a demo tutor that takes you through a sample run with RFA and shows what it looks like as it goes.
Click Here to view a demo tutor that shows you how ro change the display orientation in RFA.
Click Here to view a demo on how to add items to the Registry First Aid Exclude list.
Click Here to view a demo on how to add drives and folders to the Registry First Aid Excluded Paths list.
Click Here to view a demo tutor that shows how to turn on the System Restore tool in Windows if it is blocked in Registry First Aid.
Click Here to view a demo tutor that shows how to use the on-line store to purchase Registry First Aid if you are having problems in the store.
To install the software, do the following steps:
* Shut down all programs including Registry First Aid if you are upgrading;
* Run EXE file (rfasetup.exe);
* Follow the on screen prompts.
If you have a previous version of the program, you may install the new version into the same folder. The installation will
upgrade all old program files and keep all your backup files and the program settings.
You do not have to uninstall a previous version before installing a new one. You may install the new version into the same folder as before. Then
the installation will upgrade all old program files and keep all your backup files. Follow the installation instructions above.
If you are a registered user then installing a new version over the existing one will keep your license key. This works for all builds of a same major
version, i.e. for versions from 3.0.0 to 3.9.9, from 4.0.0 to 4.9.9, etc.
To uninstall the software, do the following steps:
* Open 'Control Panel' (how to do this please refer to the Windows help);
* Double-click on 'Add/Remove Programs' icon or open 'Programs & Features'
on Windows Vista and above;
* Select the software name from the list and press 'Add/Remove...' button or double-click on it on Windows Vista and above.
If there is no uninstall option in Control Panel, then simply remove registry keys, folders and files created by Registry First Aid:
* default installation folder: "C:\Program Files\RFA 11"
* settings folder:
Windows XP: "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Registry First Aid"
Windows Vista/7 and above: "C:\ProgramData\Registry First Aid"
* default backup folder (user may change):
Windows XP: "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RFA_Backups"
Windows Vista/7 and above: "C:\ProgramData\RFA_Backups"
* registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\KsL Software\RFA"
* remove "RFAgent" values from these registry keys:
We also have a list of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) on our support website located at
https://registry-first-aid.com/index.htm where you can get additional assistance.
Lost Your Registration Code? |
Lost your registration code? Go to
https://registry-first-aid.com/index.htm and select "Retrieve Lost Registration" from the menu and
follow the on-screen instructions.
For general questions about Registry First Aid, please use the "Contact Us" menu selection on this website.
For technical support in Registry First Aid, run Registry First Aid and from the menu, select "Help"
and then select "Contact Support". Registry First Aid will create a debug file for us and open an
email message with the debug file attached. Please type in a message explaining your problem and then
send that email by clicking your Send button.
If you cannot run Registry First Aid for some reason,
write to us at rfa@rosecitysoftware.com.
If you are having email problems, we have a support form you can use on our support website located at
https://registry-first-aid.com/index.htm where you can also get assistance.